Podcast Interview with Aaron Dante from "No Pix After Dark"

the same thing you’re ashamed of will be the same thing that you will appreciate later

Telling your story is, essential and as much as it adds values to the listener, it also reminds you (the teller) of your purpose. I got that humble reminder recently when I sat down with Aaron, the host of the podcast show "No Pix After Dark." In the interview, we dove into how I got into writing, fashion, and much more. Usually, in interviews, I talk about things I'm currently working on or planning. However, this particular interview allowed me to recount how I got started and my humble beginnings. If I could leave my readers with any words of wisdom, it would be "the same thing you're ashamed of will be the same thing that you will appreciate later." Every great journey starts with humble beginnings, and life can make us forget that sometimes once we master a gift or reach a certain level of success. Its important to always remember where we started, how we started, and why we got started for our story to have a real impact. This interview was a reminder of that. Special thanks to Aaron once again for the opportunity. I hope you all enjoy the interview but first grab coffee.